My newest play THE MOST DANGEROUS HIGHWAY IN THE WORLD will receive a public reading in San Francisco as part of Golden Thread Productions “New Threads” reading series. The talented Evren Odcikin will direct the reading. I love S.F. and this company and definitely plan on making the trip.
It’s the first reading of the play. Here’s a summary from the New Threads website:
A fearless eight-year old businessman makes his living selling fish and directing traffic with a coke bottle on the highway connecting Jalalabad to Kabul. Soldiers, generals and ghosts are no match for this little fighter with a knack for surviving the toughest challenges.
Golden Thread’s mission statement:
Golden Thread Productions is dedicated to exploring Middle Eastern cultures and identities as expressed around the globe. We present alternative perspectives of the Middle East by developing and producing theatrical work that is aesthetically varied and politically and viscerally engaging. Our mission is to make the Middle East a potent presence on the American stage and a treasured cultural experience.